Born and raised in Montreal, Vally Mestroni currently lives and works in Los Angeles. 

Mestroni received a Master of Fine Art from the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Fine Art with distinction from Concordia University in Montreal. She is the recipient of the Gail & Stuart Buchalter Prize, Otis Institutional Grant, Los Angeles, California, and The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Montreal, Canada

Mestroni’s artwork has been exhibited in numerous prestigious Los Angeles art institutions and galleries, including Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Pomona College Museum of Art, Ben Maltz Gallery at the Otis College of Art and Design, Bliss, Angels Gate, Eagle Rock Center of the Arts and Sam Francis Gallery among others.

She has also been working as a Set Decorator for Walt Disney Imagineering and has collaborated in large scale projects in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, as well as here in Anaheim.

Raised by Italian parents, Vally spent many summers in Italy, which provided her with a cultural structure that she found both inspiring and constricting. As a result, her work reflects an internal dynamic between structure and resistance to structure. This interplay with form and lack of form can be seen in her past installations, drawing projects, and current ink sequences on paper. Among the abstract images, one can almost see the horizon of a city structure arising and ebbing away, as the viewer continues his own journey along the panels. 

Mestroni’s new paintings have their origin in her installations where colorful three-dimensional pieces are precariously poised in space; motionless, malleable forms, surrounded by fragile linear structures and quick drawings reflecting the dizzying passage of thought.

As a counterpoint to her drawings and installations, her paintings suggest a suspended universe where forms emerge slowly in an attempt to construct a kind utopian tale about a possible future.

Her installations, drawings, and paintings, are all motivated by early modernist ideas about the future, current astronomical theories, and the possibility of alternate universes.